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From Trauma Survivor

 To Psychic Alchemist


My Journey

From discovering my psychic gifts at a young age to overcoming profound challenges like religious trauma, domestic violence, and sexual assault, I've transformed my journey from trauma survivor to trauma thriver. With 7 years of experience, I've become a thriving psychic alchemist, mastering various forms of alchemy to fulfill my soul mission. Now, I specialize in helping spiritually gifted trauma survivors alchemize their traumatic memories, empowering them to unlock their spiritual gifts fearlessly. Through my unique services in spiritual alchemy, I guide others to undo their subconscious programming and take their power back.



“Kristiana’s energy and warmth immediately drew me to her!

Her Akashic Record reading reading provided me with so much insight on my Hermit journey of stepping into the light. The reading, the thought, the level of comfort she provides while discussing things with you is unmatched. Not only did I get a reading - I found a support system. Kristiana radiates genuine energy and it is evident in

how she works with her clients!”


- Anna S.

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